How To Answer What are Your Strengths

How To Answer What Are Your Strengths [15 Examples]

When interviewers ask, how to answer “What are your strengths?” they are really looking for you to share what you’re passionate about. This article will teach you how to answer this question and give examples of the best responses.

Sharing what you’re passionate about, the interviewer is trying to learn more about who you are and if you would be a good fit for the job. The best way to answer this question is to share an achievement or experience that is relevant to the job you’re interviewing for.

By following tips provided below, you can be confident that you’re prepared to answer any questions the interviewer throw your way.

5 Most Daunting Interview Questions

Job interviews can be incredibly nerve-wracking. After all, you are essentially putting yourself up for judgement and hoping that the interviewer will see you as the best candidate for the job. To make matters worse, there are some interviewers who like to ask tough questions in order to trip up the interviewee.

While there is no surefire way to guarantee a successful interview, being prepared for these types of questions can give you a major advantage. Here are five of the most daunting interview questions and how to answer them:

  • What are your weaknesses?
  • Where do you see yourself in five years?
  • Why did you leave your last job?
  • What would your previous boss say about you
  • What do you think makes YOU stand out from all the other candidates?
How To Answer What are Your strengths and Weaknesses

How To Answer What are Your Strengths

Job interviews can be tough, but one of the most difficult questions to answer is “What are your strengths?” It’s important to avoid sounding arrogant, but you also want to make sure that you articulate why you’re the best candidate for the job. One approach is to focus on your soft skills, such as being a good communicator or being able to work well under pressure.

Alternatively, you can highlight specific areas of expertise that are relevant to the job. For example, if you’re applying for a position in customer service, you might mention that you have experience dealing with difficult customers. No matter how you choose to answer the question, make sure that your response is confident and concise.

By preparing in advance, you can ensure that you give the best possible answer to this challenging question.

Answer Example 1:

My top strength would have to be my ability to stay calm under pressure. I’ve been in some tough situations and managed to keep my head cool and make good decisions.

Answer Example 2:

Another one of my strengths is my people skills. I’m great at communicating with others, building relationships, and getting along with people from all walks of life.

Answer Example 3:

I would also say that I’m very organized and strategic. I always have a plan and am able to think ahead several steps so that I can stay on track.

How To Answer What are Your strengths and Weaknesses

Answer Example 1:

I think some of my biggest strengths are that I’m a good listener, I’m pretty patient, and I have a strong attention to detail. On the flip side, some of my weaknesses include that I can be a bit shy at first and I sometimes have trouble speaking up in group settings.

Answer Example 2:

My biggest strength is my ability to stay calm under pressure. I never allow myself to get frazzled or flustered, no matter how intense the situation may be. I tend to shy away from conflict and would rather keep the peace than rock the boat.

How To Answer What Is Your Greatest Strength

Most job interviews include a question about your greatest strength. This can be a difficult question to answer, especially if you’re not used to thinking about your own qualities in positive terms. However, there are some simple tips you can follow to make sure you give a great answer.

First, take a moment to think about what qualities would make you successful in the role you’re interviewing for. For example, if you’re applying for a job that requires excellent customer service skills, then you might want to mention that you’re patient and good at finding creative solutions to problems.

Once you’ve identified a few qualities that would be relevant to the job, it’s time to start brainstorming examples that illustrate those strengths. In other words. Don’t just say that you’re good at dealing with difficult customers; describe a time when you diffused an angry customer’s anger and left them feeling satisfied. Answering this question well will show the interviewer that you have the qualities they’re looking for in an employee.

Answer Example 1:

My greatest strength is my ability to stay positive and optimistic in the face of adversity. I’ve been through a lot in life, and I’ve learned that it’s important to maintain a positive outlook no matter what.

Answer Example 2:

my strengths is my persistence. I never give up easily, no matter how challenging a task may be. I’m always looking for ways to improve, learn new things, and overcome any obstacle in my way.

How To Explain Strength and Weakness In Interview

When preparing for a job interview, it is important to be able to identify and articulate your strengths and weaknesses. This self-awareness will enable you to present yourself in the best possible light and give the interviewer a well-rounded sense of who you are.

When thinking about your strengths, try to focus on those that are relevant to the role you are applying for.

When it comes to discussing your weaknesses. Again, try to be specific and focus on those that are relevant to the role. For example. If you are applying for a position that requires excellent time management skills. Then you might discuss a weakness such as “I sometimes have trouble meeting deadlines.” However, it is important to avoid discussing any weaknesses that would completely

By taking the time to thoughtfully identify and articulate your strengths and weaknesses. You will be able to give the interviewer a well-rounded sense of who you are – and show that you’re the right person for the job.

Answer Example 1:

I would say my biggest strength is that I am very analytical and able to think critically about problems. I would also say my biggest weakness is that I can be a bit of a perfectionist, which sometimes leads me to spend too much time on projects.

Answer Example 2:

I would say my biggest strength is that I have a lot of experience in the field. I would also say my biggest weakness is that I can be impatient at times.

How To Answer Strength Based Questions

In a job interview. Employers will often ask strength-based questions in order to get a sense of your skills and abilities. While these questions can be challenging. They provide an opportunity to sell yourself and demonstrate why you are the best candidate for the job.

When answering strength-based questions, be sure to focus on specific examples and accomplishments. Avoid general statements or bragging, as this will come across as insincere. Instead, take the time to think of a specific instance when you utilized your strengths to achieve success.

Sharing a detailed and honest story will help you to stand out from other candidates and show the employer that you are the right person for the job.

Answer Example 1:

Some people might think that a weakness in ABC makes me less effective at XYZ. But I’ve actually found that my strength in ABC helps offset any potential weaknesses and makes me even better at XYZ overall!

Answer Example 2:

I believe that qualities like discipline, commitment, and dedication are important for a successful career in strength-based disciplines.

Answer Example 3:

I have developed these qualities through hard work and dedication. I have Putting in hours of training each day has allowed me to progress and become stronger both physically and mentally.


Thank you for reading! I hope you found this blog helpful. If you’re looking to improve your job search process. Be sure to check out some of our other blogs on how to write a resume, cover letter, and more. And as always, if you have any questions or need help with anything, don’t hesitate to reach out to us. We’re here to help!

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